Tricks To Whiten Teeth And Keep Them White |
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Tricks To Whiten Teeth And Keep Them White

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Teeth whitening can be a great, easy way to boost yourself confidence and get rid of that embarrassing smile that you hate. Your smile should be beautiful and stunning. That’s why this article contains several simple tips and tricks to get you started on getting that smile you always dreamed of.

You should keep in mind that teeth whitening only works for your real, natural teeth. It will not work on any crowns, veneers, implants, or fillings you have in your mouth. So if you have a lot of these, it may not be worth the expense of trying to whiten your teeth.

Rinse your mouth out with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution every evening after you brush your teeth. 3% hydrogen peroxide solution is a mild bleaching agent so it can help to keep your teeth white, it is also very cheap; you should be able to pick up a bottle in your local pharmacy for less than $2.

Avoid using mouthwashes that contain alcohol or have coloring added to them. These colorings are known to have a staining effect on your teeth. The chemicals that they use are also not good for you. One well known mouthwash has been known to stain your teeth a brownish color.

Make regular appointments to have your teeth cleaned by a dentist. You need to schedule these appointments at least once a year. The discoloration on your teeth may not be caused by actual staining but simply by plaque build-up, which is difficult to remove without the professional tools your dentist has.

Listerine teeth whitening mouthwash rinse is a great product to help you whiten your teeth. Within the first couple of weeks of usage you can easily see the difference in your teeth. Make sure to use twice a day- once in the morning and once at night. Listerine is strong in killing bad breath and whitens your teeth at the same time.

For many years people have sworn that baking soda works quite well for teeth whitening. There are now many types of toothpaste that have baking soda right in them so you do not have to mess with making up the paste yourself. The paste is made up with a bit of salt and baking soda and then brushed onto your teeth.

Floss your teeth twice a day. It’s best to do this to prevent plaque, which can discolor your teeth. Make sure you floss in the morning but, most importantly, before you go to sleep because this is when teeth are most susceptible to damage and plaque buildup. Flossing before you go to sleep will prevent this.

Regular cleanings are effective in maintaining a white smile. Getting your teeth cleaned by a professional is a good way to get rid of stains and tartar. Your teeth will look whiter, and a good thorough cleaning will prevent gum disease and cavities.

Vegetables and fruits that are high in fiber can naturally clean your teeth. A few examples of foods to consider include apples, broccoli, cucumber and carrots. Eat them raw, but chew them well; this gives the vegetables time to have an effect on your teeth. As you are chewing, move the food all around your mouth to work it all over your teeth.

An important, though very unpopular, tip to whiten your teeth is to cut down on, or even stop, the drinking of sodas, coffees and teas. Yes, they are some of the most popular beverages in the world, but they are also some of the biggest culprits when it comes to stains on teeth! And for those that are wondering, iced tea is still tea and just as guilty when it comes to teeth discoloration.

Prior to beginning to use a teeth whitening regimen, keep in mind that these whiteners only produce effects on natural teeth. Dental work in your mouth, such as crowns, fillings, implants and veneers, will not lose any stains they may have. If you whiten your teeth it might make any dental work you have done stick out.

If the teeth whitening method that you choose includes the use of a tray, ensure that it correctly fits your teeth. If the tray does not fit snuggly, chemicals from the whitening gel can seep out resulting in gum irritation. Stop using the product if you show any signs of negative reactions, whether there is a difference in size or not.

Change your diet for whiter teeth. Avoid processed foods and foods high in sugar. Replace them with lots of raw fruits and vegetables that help clean your teeth while you eat them and promote healthy salivation during chewing. Not only will this help whiten you teeth, it will also keep them strong and healthy.

One key to keeping your teeth white is to drink plenty of water. Every time you have a drink of water it helps to rinse sugars and the bacteria that eat the sugars from your teeth and gums. There is no better way to keep your mouth clean throughout the day.

In order to get your teeth whiter, make sure that you don’t drink any water that has fluoride or use any toothpaste that has fluoride as an ingredient. It has been proven that these products stain your teeth and when people have stopped using them, their teeth stop getting discolored.

As It was stated before in the article, you’ll be surprised how easy and fun teeth whitening can be. And as soon as you start seeing progress, you’ll be hooked even more. Having beautiful, white teeth can change your life forever by boosting yourself confidence. Apply these tips and tricks to make sure you get great results.

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