Struggling To Get Your Teeth White? Try This Expert Advice! |
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Struggling To Get Your Teeth White? Try This Expert Advice!

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Teeth whitening is a great way to do something for yourself. If you’ve never tried to whiten your teeth before because you think it’s too expensive, time consuming, or just painful, you should throw away any myths that you’ve heard about teeth whitening. It’s easy, quick, and affordable, and this article can give you a few tips about how to get whiter teeth.

You can make a simple home remedy for teeth whitening by mixing table salt with lemon juice. This mixture can be stored and used for up to several months. Use this paste on your toothbrush just as you would regular tooth paste. This helps to break up tartar, which contributes to stains, on your teeth, providing a whiter surface.

To make your teeth whitening results last as long as possible, cut back on your consumption of dark drinks like colas and coffee. Since most teeth whitening treatments strip away a layer of your tooth enamel, your teeth are more susceptible than ever to stains, making it more important than ever that you refrain from indulging in common staining culprits like soda, coffee and cigarettes.

Avoid cigarettes, wine and coffee. These products contain chemicals that stain your teeth by bonding to them. If you need these items, brush right after you consume them. Some companies sell finger brushes that serve as a mild abrasive so that you can brush without a toothbrush. What will clean your teeth is abrasiveness.

Try to avoid water with fluoride added in or toothpaste that incorporates fluoride. Recent reports have shown that fluoride can stain and discolor teeth. If you only have access to water in your home with fluoride added to it, either look for a filter or consider drinking your water from bottles as long as it is without fluoride as well.

Look out for staining foods directly after a whitening treatment. Once you have whitened your teeth, they’re susceptible to absorbing stains and colors. It is especially important to stay away from darker foods to protect your newly whitened teeth. For example, coffee should be avoided, because the dark color will be absorbed into your teeth.

Use mouthwash sparingly as it can add to discoloration of the teeth. Many mouthwashes contain alcohol or other stain causing chemicals. These can also be absorbed into the soft tissues in the mouth under the tongue and into your system. If you can avoid them altogether, this is the better option.

Avoid water and toothpaste with fluoride in it. It has been found that it can cause discoloration of the teeth. There are several countries that have banned it from drinking water because it has been connected to disease and symptoms there. If you need to take fluoride, use the capsules.

Try natural remedies to whiten your teeth. Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda have long been known to whiten teeth. These can be used together as a paste to brush your teeth with. You can also swish with a mixture of peroxide and water two or three times daily. This will not only whiten your teeth but will improve the overall state of your oral health.

Cigarettes, coffee and tea are the cause of many teeth stains. All of these will stain your teeth dark brown. If you can’t stay away from tea or coffee, drink it with a straw and use your lips to cover your teeth. Also, always brush your teeth right after. One of the main reasons for discolored teeth is coffee, tea and tobacco.

If you’re considering having your teeth whitened, talk to your dentist first. While some stains and discoloration are easily treated by bleaching, others won’t respond as well. Bleaching also won’t work if you have caps, crowns, or similar types of dental work. Discussing teeth whitening with your dentist will prepare you for potential problems and help you figure out the best way to treat your teeth.

Baking soda is great for whitening teeth, plus, it is inexpensive and easy to get. Purchase tooth paste with baking soda in it for extra whitening every day. You can also make your own whitening paste by mixing baking soda with a pinch of salt. Rub this paste on your teeth, let it sit for a few minutes and then brush as usual.

Perhaps the most effective way of getting your teeth whiter is by visiting your dentist. Because some home products may not be ideal for you, dentists can provide you with teeth bleaching and other techniques that are more effective. This may require you going for more than one dental treatment.

One important teeth whitening tip is to try to always brush and floss your teeth even when not at home. This is important to prevent the build up of plaque. Bring a toothbrush and floss with you at work and also when you go out to eat. At the very least, try to wash your mouth out after a meal.

Fresher breath sometimes equates to a whiter smile. Lick your clean palm and smell it to test your breath. If the smell is unpleasant, use a breath mint or rinse your mouth with mouthwash. Be sure that your mouthwash contains no alcohol because alcohol has drying properties.

An excellent method of achieving whiter teeth is to brush your teeth as soon as you wake up, and just before you go to bed that night. Your mouth dries during sleep and bacteria can build up, as well as plaque.

Believe it or not, you can use a banana in order to whiten your teeth. This is an old method that has been used for years and has been known to be effective. To do this properly, rub the inside of a banana peel on your tooth, in a circular motion, for about two minutes.

If you have stained, yellow teeth, but don’t really feel it necessary to get them whitened, you’ll be surprised at how great you’ll feel after whitening your teeth. Even for people that don’t think their teeth are a problem or maybe, are not aware of their discolored teeth, teeth whitening does wonders for self-confidence. So go ahead, follow these tips and guidelines to achieving maximum results for teeth whitening.

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